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resin grinding wheel flakes anti-dumping investigation

India launched an anti-dumping investigation into Chinese-made resin grinding wheel flakesIn the end, no measures were taken to close the case

On June 7, 2021, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India launched an anti-dumping investigation into resin grinding wheel flakes originating in China, and made a final ruling recommendation in August this year, which determined that the dumping of Chinese companies was established, and recommended that Chinese companies be levied anti-dumping duties ranging from 0-690.12 US dollars/ton for a period of 5 years.

Since it is up to the Ministry of Finance of India to decide whether to tax in the end, The Mechanical and Electrical Chamber of Commerce, the China Machine Tool Industry Association, and the China Machine Tool Industry Association held meetings to discuss abrasives. The sanctions involved upstream and downstream enterprises, such as the grinder and abrasive industry, the abrasive industry, the machine tool industry, etc.,China has done a lot of work on upstream and downstream related enterprises and sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance of India to defend the public interest.

In the end, China’s defense was successful. The Ministry of Finance of India issued a memo on November 4, 2022, not accepting the proposal of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India to impose anti-dumping duties on Chinese-made resin grinding wheel flakes.

From the Indian side’s initiation of an anti-dumping lawsuit in June 2021, to the final ruling of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India, to the Chinese side’s lobbying of Indian stakeholders… 16 abrasive tool and machine tools export companies, under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce of China and the competent commercial departments of various places, under the organization of the Mechanical and Electrical Chamber of Commerce and the China Machine Tool Industry Association and its Abrasive Tools Branch, after 17 months of hard work, a lot of work was carried out, and finally a good result was achieved without any measures to close the case.Related export companies have retained the Indian market, and the results have not been easy to come by!

With the rapid growth of China’s machine tool exports, trade friction is inevitable. Enterprises should plan ahead, understand the rules of international trade, and standardize their business behavior.At the same time, in the event of trade friction, we should also have the courage to face it, relying on the joint efforts of relevant government departments and industry organizations to actively respond.

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