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How to Choose a Centerless Grinder Suitable for Your Industry

As we all know, centerless grinders are suitable for processing a variety of workpiece types and are widely used in medical, machinery, mold, aviation and other fields.

FX-18S High Precision Centerless Grinder

Medical guide wire grinders as small as 0.05mm and centerless grinders as large as 150mm in diameter can meet the grinding needs of all walks of life. The application range of centerless grinders is so wide, so how to choose a centerless grinder suitable for your industry in practical applications? First of all, we can choose the appropriate machine based on industry applications and actual customer processing requirements. Secondly, we need to understand the necessary processes in the manufacturing process of a centerless grinder so that we can judge whether the grinder can achieve high precision. This is also the reason why the prices of centerless grinders vary greatly. After understanding the secrets, when we choose to purchase a centerless grinder, You can judge whether the grinder is good enough from the production process.

So what are the applications based on the customer’s actual industry?

Application 1: Large steel factory

Recently, a foreign factory with more than 30 years of experience in steel production approached Shanghai ANTISHICNC Company. The customer clearly needed centerless grinders with 200mm and 400mm wheel widths to grind 8mm-90mm diameter steel. After understanding the customer’s output requirements and grinding allowance, we recommended 3 suitable machine models to the customer. According to different diameters and output requirements, each production line is equipped with 4-12 machines, equipped with material racks, and processed separately. Rough and fine grinding. In addition, we also invited customers to visit our domestic steel customers’ centerless grinder production line at the site.

Application 2: Medical guide wire industry

We also have many applications in the medical industry. For example, our customers need centerless grinders to process thin medical guide wires. The diameter of the guide wires ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 mm in diameter. They are special tools used in the medical industry and are mainly used for diagnosis and treatment. The accuracy of the guide wire is very demanding. Our company provides customized services and can customize centerless grinders for grinding fine guide wires in the diameter range of 0.05-0.5mm. After communicating with the customer about the processing requirements, we provide the customer with proofing services.

Whether the quality of the grinder is good or bad, a very important point is whether the main components are manually scraped and whether the grinding accuracy meets the requirements. The purpose of manual scraping and grinding is to reduce the surface roughness, improve contact accuracy and geometric accuracy, thereby improving the overall matching stiffness, lubrication performance, mechanical efficiency and service life of the machine tool and flatness. This process is a very important link in the manufacturing process of centerless grinders.

Shanghai ANTISHICNC company has a wide range of centerless grinders, whether it is a workpiece with a diameter of 0.05mm or a workpiece with a diameter of hundreds of millimeters, whether you need a manual centerless grinder or a CNC centerless grinder, whether you use a through grinding process or a plunge cut Grinding technology, our company can provide you with a suitable centerless grinder based on your workpiece drawings and processing requirements. We have very professional engineers who can answer all your questions in a timely manner. If you have any needs for centerless grinders, please feel free to contact our sales engineers.

Tags: medical guide wire grinder, centerless grinder, CNC centerless grinder, manual centerless grinder, 200mm wide grinding wheel centerless grinder, automated centerless grinder, centerless grinder with automatic loading and unloading rack, turnkey centerless grinder production line.



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